Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Hello, Goodbye Window

    The book The Hello, Goodbye Window, written by Norton Juster and illustrated by Chris Raschka was the 2006 Caldecott Award winner.  This story delights in the innocent relationship between child and grandparent as well as the wonder and discovery of being a young child. The discoveries of the little girl are so simple to us, but undoubtedly magical to her. Whether it is playing peekaboo by the window or gazing at the stars with grandma, the kitchen window plays a central role in this playful tale.
    After reading this book, I agree that it is wonderfully illustrated.  Raschka uses vibrant primary colors to infuse light and a playful mood into each scene.  Without the charming illustrations, the book would not be what it is.  Whether it is worthy of a Caldecott Award is debatable, but the book has value, particularly to grandparents.  The simplistic language makes it easy for emergent readers, but I believe the book will be loved more by grandparents than by children.  I would recommend this book for grandparents when they have grandchildren over their house.  This book would be a great choice to read at bedtime.  Overall, I find this book hard to relate to, since my childhood visits to my grandparent's house did not go this way, but with a baby on the way, I am sure my mother and father will be much like the grandparents in this book.

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